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Welcome in the new year with Live Well with Cancer’s limited edition 2025 calendar! Each month features a digitally illustrated watercolour images that celebrates different landmarks in North Tyneside. Our home turf! It features key dates and notes to keep your plans and errands in check. Every month also features what workshops we have on offer at Live Well with Cancer to keep you up to date on all things charity related. Why not join us for a session?


Every penny raised from the sales of this calendar goes towards the running of our workshops, events, and support groups, which are free to anyone affected by cancer, including friends and family. For just £10, you can support your local cancer community and plan ahead for 2025 with just the click of a button.


Designed to showcase some of the best-loved places North Tyneside has to offer, our calendar is the perfect Christmas gift for friends, family, and the person who matters most – you! 

A4 potrait size    |    350gsm uncoated cover    |     250gsm inner pages    |     Spiral Wiro Top Edge

2025 North Tyneside Single Page Calendar



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